thanks to the
pack mentality of the big ice cream makers, today is a 2-in-1:
1. A&W Root Beer Float ice cream from Breyers:
vanilla ice cream w/ RB sherbet. 2. Dreyers Root Beer Float ice cream:
vanilla + RB ice cream (as opposed to sherbet) (and a ltd-ed, btw). OK so here's the obligatory JITB nod:
last summer JITB had a
RB float. More precedents: If you’ve visited the folks in Fla, you’ve seen RB float ice cream by smkt chain
Publix. Smkt-brand ice cream seems 2 B the
last bastion of innovation. To wit: Dreyers’ other
summer-’06 flavors are both candy-themed
(nestles crunch & butterfinger), done forever already by
smkt brands.
Jeeze, what kind of summer song list omits "Summertime Blues"?
By the way, root beer sucks.
Especially "root beer ice cream". Bleh.
Wow, TG... You going to take TL's comment sitting down?
it isn't root beer icecream!! it is vanilla icecream with root beer laced through it. And when we bought it way back it was delicious if you liked root beer. If you don't like root beer, obviously you wouldn't like it!
Suck my Root Beer, Kirk
I'm so glad you mentioned Publix. It is a GREAT supermarket chain. I almost chose not to leave Florida, because I would be leaving Publix. but, in the end, the enormous bugs chased me out.
also, i have recently seen small a "push-up" type ice cream novelty with Barq's root beer and vanilla ice cream.
(verification word: ioznt....do you suppose it needs an apostrophe?)
i oz NOT
did clairevoyant ever visit her folks in Fla. while she lived there? did they have this root beer ice cream in their freezer?
does clairevoyant know who "unowho" is? (of course she knows!) becuz "unowho" seems to know a lot about this root beer ice cream!
oh now come on. Anderson Cooper? i don't think so. Tom Cruise, there's a celebrity I can fathom visiting this blog cuz he's just effing crazy. Donald Trump? why not - that guy has something to prove. Paris Hilton? Definitely. she'll pretty much do anybody. but people, I guarantee you that the real Anderson Cooper is NOT visiting this site. and if he is, i don't want him - especially if he's hassling kirk. get lost, anderson cooper, and don't ever come back here if you know what's good for you
Begone, Anderson Cooper. Buzz Off.
Who is this Anderson Cooper, anyway?
You know, they say ice cream is good for the colon. Would you like to see mine?
Anderson Cooper is SO gay
Listen... All of you media types are so gay. And it is completely irresponsible of you to be divulging details of actions the President (and maybe the Vice President) has taken that are completely within his (and maybe their) authority.
If I suspect you of sending money to a terrorist organization -- like Planned Parenthood, for example -- you're damn right it's within my authority to review all of your financial transactions.
And if the media are going to let everyone know that I am doing that, well, then, they are traitors AND gay!
And don't you think I haven't got my eye on that Tony Snow guy, too. I know where you live, Tony.
As you're growing up as a teenager, there are a number of things that you look forward to; getting your drivers license,
graduating from high school, going to your senior prom, having your first date and having your first beer. The problem
with this last one is that the drinking age and the thing you want make it something that you just can't have yet. And
still, you want it and will go to any lengths to get it.
Underage beer drinking is certainly no secret and to try to sweep it under the carpet isn't going to make it go away. But
the most odd thing about underage drinking when it comes to beer is that even after kids sneak their first beer, they
still want to have another one. If you're wondering why that sounds so strange then you need to think back to when YOU
had your first beer. It was pretty nasty tasting. Let's be honest, beer is bitter and is an acquired taste. Very few
people, if any at all, enjoyed their first beer. Many even get sick after it because of the taste or the fact that
they're not used to the alcohol yet.
Your all bunch crack heads!
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