Friday, December 22, 2006

Juice It Up!

The topic of Smoothies offers endless fascination at NYCE HQ. but hey, it ain’t just self-indulgence: acc to Mintel, which does surveys of such things, smoothie sales rose 38% from 2003-2005 to reach $1.5 bil and will hit $2.5 bil by 2010. so this is important news, see. Thus stop the presses cuz a new chain hit dallas in aug: Juice It Up!, from cali (aren’t they all) (‘cept smoothie king = louisiana), w/ approx 120 branches in 7 states, and plans for 10-15 more in DFW over the next few yrs. a story in something called franchise wire says JUI’s smoothies have been picked as best in blind taste tests conducted by 3rd-party organizations, which surely sounds convincing; at the very least, it’s one of the good chains that uses unsweetened fruit (unlike evil you-know-who). of note: the store opened in lake highlands ctr next to the old shut-down WF, which has become an LA/Fitness

7215 Skillman St. (at walnut hill), 214-341-3661


At December 22, 2006 11:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Donald, don't try to get us off the scent of your big scandal. Nobody care about your bankruptcy problems.

At December 22, 2006 5:10 PM, Blogger Tom Cruise said...

Merry Christmas from Tom Cruise. May you and yours be happy and bright and full of tinsel. Drink, be merry and EAT LIKE A MAN!


At December 23, 2006 9:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Ball... tell your master "thanks" for the Lake Highlands link. Our masters are in Looziana right now and they tell us here back home that they ate a great meal at Cochon last night. Cochon is French for "donald trump" in case you did not know.

Hope you get that fresh mouse for Christmas. MEOW!

PS... it's hell using a keyboard when you lack an opposable thumb.

At December 25, 2006 11:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, when are you having your [coming out] party?



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