What better way to
end the week, w/ exciting news for
New England natives or those who like new-england-type flavors: starbucks’ newest flavor is
maple. It can be had as a
maple latte,
maple frappuccino, or –
the drink that starbucks is pushing – a
maple macchiato which, aside from its
alliterative prowess, has a higher proportion of espresso, prob to help
cut the sweetness that inherently goes w/ maple flavoring which they call "
maple sauce".
(doesn’t sound like 100% maple syrup, does it. which, while wholesome, has a subtle flavor.) us
maple fans are grateful starbucks decided to roll out maple at all stores (
it was originally intro’d last year in New England only)
btw, while of course there is nothing more exciting than news of a new starbucks flavor, marvo at impulsive buy does a cool item on the new hard-to-find Cocaine Energy drink, which is selling like hotcakes on ebay
Nothing against the Maple Starbucks but I have better ways to "end my week"
I noticed that they have brought back their Oatmeal Walnut Maple scone, too. At first, I thought it was only in Boston when I was there last weekend, but I was delighted to see that they have them in the Dallas area, too.
Word verification: mpbnokto. Isn't that the name of one of the actors in Catch A Fire?
They had small freebies of the macchiato twice in the past 2 weeks at the Preston and Royal store. It's very sweet and just not my cuppa.
I do, however, love maple syrple and have lots of the real Canadian thing in the fridge, next to the cans of runnin' 'round my brain.
#3 syrup is the best, in my opinion, BK. But, like you, I can't fathom putting it in coffee.
Which is sweeter, the maple or the pumpkin? I've always had trouble conceiving the logic of a pumpkin-flavored coffee beverage.
If sbux opened in Uptown on Maple, could Marples get a Maple on Maple?
I missed this item Friday, but I do like maple, tho I wouldn't want it in an overly sweet concoction. As a child used to make maple-flavored snow ice cream, using maple extract, not the syrup (I didn't live in maple tree country). Just a few drops made it cooling and refreshing.
A comment re the item on Luna Sunrise nutrition bars: I tried them on your recommendation,and my deluxe Kroger's has lots of flavors, including lemon, cranberry and chocolate pecan. I found them very dry, and milk didn't seem to help much. Then it occurred to me that, like a biscotti, they needed to be dipped in red wine. Pretty good that way, tho not as good an accompaniment as your very excellent biscotti, which I was priviliged to try once.
I don't mind a little red wine for breakfast.
and how many bottles had you guzzled before writing that post, ms.ery?
why, ms. lush, sometimes i don't even finish a bottle before lunch,
You pair anything with wine, it's going to taste good.
ms.ery might try dipping them in a glass of bourbon. guaranted to be a killer taste.
I would like to hear from someone who has tried the maple coffee drinks. Anyone?
Taste it? We don't need to taste it. I don't have to show you any stinking reviews.
I don't mind a little bourbon for breakfast, Red.
Dogs should be tasted, but never heard!
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