Gachet Coffee Lounge
coffee week, day 2
Gachet is listed already on a restaurant site, so no, this ain’t Breaking News. (hey it seemed to be in soft opening mode so ... no rush to report. But this is coffee week.) There’s a couplo inherently cool things about this lower greenville coffeespot: 1. it’s run by 4 sisters whose names all begin with H: heatherhappyheidihilary. 2. in a twist on conventional wisdom, it stays open til midnite weekdays but closes earlier (at 10) on wkends. Now usually a place gets touts for staying open late, but what coffee drinker would want to be on lower greenville on a wkend nite? Exactly. Gachet also has 3. liqueurs for fancy coffee drinks but no beer 4. pastry from empire baking 5. Monday movie nights.
1804 greenville ave. 214-887-8095
TG - do you knonw why it's called Gachet?
note the website is
well, you did post BEFORE NOON but this being "coffee week" -- for real, or just declared by you? -- one would think you'd be up and at 'em earlier. did you have to go to sbux for your morning fix first?
jess, on (almost) all of these posts, if you click on the headline, you'll find a link to the item's "official" website (today, being, as you said,
polar, only on NYCE is it officially coffee week (and that's only becuz i happen to have 4-5 coffee-related items). but i hope that the idea of coffee week takes off like wildfire and is eventually adopted by all of mankind
sorry, tg, i USUALLY do click on the headline, but neglected it this time, though I did follow all the links in the text. you do a great job; never mind what polar sez.
jess i'm just tickled you provided me w/ an opportunity to mention my little policy w/ the links the heds. i bet twisted dog had no clue
twisted dog, it's not nice to poach readers from other blogs. maybe you should drop off some flyers at the kennel club or your local branch of the SPCA
tg: the reason greenville avenue residents are home late weekend nights is that is when we videotape the smu students and other revelers who piss on our front lawns
twisted dog: mess w me and you'll see why the pit bull next door is cowed. you don't even look like lunch meat.
wow, i love the name. doesn't gachet have cachet??
tg: excellent item. love it when you give us news of small, local independents instead of concentrating on thos giant chains. let the starbuck's sheep line up for an ice cream. i'm going to the movies!
what a neat item. just had to respond and tell you how REFRESHING it is when you tell us of a local place and ignore those mega-giants.
i wouldn't be surprised if readers voted this your best blog ever. a local place. not some heartless national corporation. tg, you give us hope.
what is the most comments any of your items ever got?
could gachet coffee lounge POSSIBLY challenge that number if EVERY INTERESTED PARTY posted dilligently?
i doubt it math guy. tg has the books stacked for sbux.
don't worry, math guy, there will be other opportunities, tho possibly not as bright as one promoting a deserving place that NOT ONLY serves coffee but also wine and has ROOFTOP MOVIES!!!!
have we surpassed the free starbucks ice cream item in number of responses yet?
I think so. if not, we're damn close
so, tg, what do you say about the lameness of the interest in gachet compared to the breathless-suspense about another starbucks release? if you don't respond, ii'll understand that you've joined the line early on the OFF CHANCE that you'll get one of the free cups of ice cream.
why don't all the comments show up when you call up the blog. some dirty tricks?
she (tg) is better than liddy
mr. sam: how great to hear from you. remember I was a young attorney on that investigation.
we in california support all independent coffee places
is it really named for dr. gachet?
what a boring item
me jane. you boring.
bill: i repeat, come up and see me sometime -- cigar or no cigar.
what a BORING ITEM. who you gonna get to comment on a place called gachet?
i think gachet was the name of one of the inlaws of the lombardis, you know, the family that was killed with their goats and chickens.
but the lombardi grandfather wasn't a flasher like your grandpa, mary h. i hear talking about other people causes waxy yellow buildup on your kitchen floors.
are we there yet?
no, dear, but just a few more postings and we'll show ms. t.g. that sbux isn't the only game in the universe
twisted dog: give us help here. mongrels like us and gachet need to unite against the sbux of the world.
tg: do you have a copy of gachet's wine list or any other information?
so this item topped 40 comments. so what?
dino, you're drunk.
where exactly on lower greenville is this place?
i cant believe you slammed gachet for "not generating much traffic" i thought you were clairvoyant.
is there a campaign to blow up the no. of responses on this item?
certainly appears to be
i think it is suceeding
whoops. it is late. is misspelled my own name
clever, flat that made an extra posting
are we there yet?
if not, we're damn close.
have you seen the WIMPY response the free starbucks ice cream drew?
here, i'll pile on with another comment. (i would've done my part to chip in more comments on this item but i was out at a concert.) (lisa marie presley, if you must know.) anyway it's already my goal to champion small/unknown places - in fact, this is Coffee Week and there'll be at least 2-3 more comin! let's hear it for david, not goliath!
r. nixon - sometimes comments don't show up right away - you just gotta refresh the page every so often to get up-to-date comments. (see? another comment posted!)
tell us about lisa marie
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