Ben & Jerry’s
The Cone merits an item ONLY because it is
new (as opposed to "because it’s worthy"). But first, the info: it’s a "
unique waffle cone filled w/ ice cream".
Cherry Garcia: cherry ice cream w/ cherries & fudge chunks.
Choc-chip cookie dough: vanilla w/ cookie dough swirl & fudge chunks. one box = 3 cones $4.
yikes Calories: 350
each, which seems high but I guess not much higher than the
280- to 360-
calories for a measly standard
half-cup serving of superpremium ice cream. Haven’t
cone products always
seemed kinda
cheezy &
low-rent? The "
unique" aspect about the waffle cone appears to be that it’s lined w/ choc
but isn’t that the case for most of these prefab cones? What IS distinctive about B&J’s izzat the ice cream's packed w/ nuts & stuff
the same direction they’ve been taking w/ their regular ice cream
NO, the baby hasn't arrived yet. Quit asking.
What you've been hearing about me buying Katie a pacifier is NOT true. L. Ron says this about silent births, they "save both the sanity of the mother and the child and safeguard the home to which they will go."
So, in the interest of SANITY, I've had a custom-made MOUTHPIECE made for the girl. That way she can't make a sound. I'm not taking any chances. If that girl utters a peep during labor and makes my baby crazy I'm going to absolutely throw and fucking fit and have to start all over again with somebody else, mind you, not with some girl who has to open her mouth and risk making my progeny utterly and totally and completely insane, and this one better keep her mouth shut because there's no way in hell that I'd actually marry her after my important work on the realease of Mission Impossible III is done if she has and insane baby, no freaking way man.
So this blog doesn't do reviews? Have you ever considered doing reviews? I'd be interested to know what you thought of these bars.
Sounds yummy to me but I'll stick to the pints. I'm still looking for the B&T.
I remember when I was very young, a neighbor's daughter had a Dad who drove an ice cream truck. (the old kind with the soft-serve right in it) She asked if I wanted an ice cream cone, and of course I said yes, so we went to her driveway and she gave me a cone. Empty. I never forgave her.
visitor, you didn't get the "review" in the first few lines? I thought it was pretty obvious what tg thought of the product.
so happy to see tom back on his soapbox! now let me see, was happy the way I felt?? ohoh getting soft in my old age.
oh i thought i beat clairev!! Darn
which neighbor of clairevoyant's might that be?
cuz any neighbor of clairevoyant's is a neighbor of mine
and while you're at it, a neighbor of emmjay's, too
we're all neighbors, aren't we?
I think Tom may have missed this:
Go camping with Cruise? Stuff readers say 'no, thanks'
By Tirdad Derakhshani
Knight Ridder Newspapers
In a Stuff mag poll, Tom Cruise was voted the person folks would “least like to go camping with.”
Forty-one percent of readers think Tom would not be great company, compared with 39 percent who wouldn’t want to sit around the campfire with Saddam Hussein.
Meanwhile, Star mag claims Tom and expectant hon Katie Holmes are debating baby names, with Tom – who reportedly coos “little Hub” to Katie’s tummy – gunning for Hubbard, after Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard. Katie is scared the name “would make her baby a laughingstock.” (A Cruise rep denies this silliness to TV Guide.)
Personally, I think Tom and Katie should take a clue from this article, and name the baby Tirdad, after the reporter.
she lived at the top of Congress St, and i didn't hang out with her after that.
tom cruise: someone needs to custom make YOU a mouthpiece. a la hannibal lechter.
You're referring to a little Black Irish girl named Margaret Egan. Her Dad worked for Good Humor, but he's gone now. At Guantanamo.
Told you I know where you all live.
Isn't it a coincidence that this mysterious neighbor of Clairvoyant's lived on Congress street? Was her last name Rove, by any chance?
to the visitor, there are many blogs out there already doing a fine job at reviewing food items, whereas i am more driven to report new things. i do, however, try to inject subtle editorial comments (as emmmjay and other visitors who are sharper than you have observed)
tg: i'm sure you knew who visitor was. otherwise can't imagine you'd be so snippy. anyway, did you misunstand what he or she meant by "reviews." you often do taste an item that's featured and report on it -- which sounds like a review to me. maybe visitor should come around more often.
i'm a day late with comment, but isn't ben and jerry's cone made of that feather like stuff usually uned in flat-bottomed cones instead of the heavier, chewier stuff used in most ice cream drumsticks? (that's probably why they lined it with chocolate, to keep it together.
ms.ery, i'm snippy to everyone, acquaintance or unknown. i have no idea who that visitor is, but i thought i was just being sassy (which is, of course, entirely different from snippy). i guess if it came off as snippy, then i'll never see that visitor again. woe is me
the cone on this ben & jerry's deal was thicker than a regular sugar cone but not as thick as one of those big thick sugar-waffle cones like they have at maggie moo's. i liked the cone OK on this ben & jerry's product; it was at least crisp. i didn't love the choco lining, but ms.ery is probably correct that the choc lining keeps the cone from wilting
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